If this was a job advertisement, would you apply?
You’d probably click on it to see what it was for a laugh….. probably similar to why you clicked to open this page!

Every day at PKT, I get between 5-10 job applications a day from PADI Instructors, I’m not currently advertising for instructors, but I presume applicants have researched where they want to work geographically, then maybe looked at social media, reviews etc. and sent their CV.
On average, out of 10 applications we will get 2 or 3 Instructors that offer to work for free to gain experience.
Brilliant…. As a business we will just hire instructors that work for free, pay no salaries or commissions and cash in…. sounds good, eh?
Here at our Dive Centre, we have 8 PADI Instructors – each one of them we are incredibly proud of, and we appreciate everything they do for both the Dive Centre and our Wonderful Customers.
When you embark on the Journey to becoming a PADI Professional, there are sacrifices (often) whether its leaving family, saving up money, missing important events and all the other personal and financial sacrifice that comes with deciding on a career path that can literally take you anywhere in the world.
The Pro training is both fun and hard work, it’s exciting, daunting, and sometimes terrifying all at the same time.

So why would I expect any instructors to work for free?
I do understand……. when you take Driving Lessons, then ultimately your driving test… you are then given the keys to a car… which you can drive... ANYWHERE….

And no one is with you? Not your family member who’s been helping you or your driving instructor sat beside you.
I remember the first time getting behind the wheel on my own and I was too scared to turn the radio up in-case I lost concentration. Then, as we all know (and did) – I got confidence and I was tearing around with my Roxette Cassette blasting away signing “joyride” at the top of my lungs and literally driving anywhere for no reason…. (Showing my age there)

Becoming a Diving Instructor can be similar…. You do your Divemaster Training, supported by a team of Instructors, then you do your PADI Instructor Development Course supported by your Course Director and Staff Instructors and onto your Instructor Examination. you pass. big party… then the next day…. Errrm What now? I have to actually got do this? And on my own?

So I understand, why you may approach a Dive Centre and ask to work for free… you’re nervous, you feel they won’t employ you because you are new and are up against a lot of competition from more experienced instructors and you want to shadow some other instructors to see how they do things.
I get it… however if you offer to work for free, firstly you are taking a position away from someone who does need the money and wants to make a career out of this wonderful role… and secondly, don’t devalue yourself and what you have invested, both emotionally and financially.
I love hiring new Instructors here at PKT, they are usually full of passion, professionalism, and a desire to be the best they can be and haven’t picked up any bad habits. We often hire Instructors from our Instructor Development Courses, the candidates that show the right attitude and work ethic and we support them. They can shadow our instructors, keep learning, and ultimately gain confidence in their own time as a PADI Professional.

So don’t offer to work for free…. Choose your crew, your support team and then shoulders back.
Don’t devalue yourself……. You’ve got this.
Why not join our FREE Online Event being held this Monday (10th) at 6pm (Thailand) - and talk to some Industry Legends about “How to become a PADI Divemaster or PADI Diving Instructor”…. To find out more about this amazing and life-changing career.
Click this link to get your ticket. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/how-to-become-a-padi-divemaster-and-padi-scuba-diving-instructor-tickets-671824433967?aff=oddtdtcreator
Our next PADI Instructor Development Courses at PKT are on August 28th and November 28th…. If you want to be part of it… get in touch to find out more.
Emma Hudson
Dive Centre Manager - PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer
PKT Diving
PADI 5 Star Instructor Development Centre
129 Moo.7, Phi Phi Island, Krabi 81000 emsy@pktdiving.com
Mobile - +66 96 949 3934