Scuba Diving seems to many people… Crazy… Why would you go out into the unknown, with sharks, deep water, and the fear of what lies beneath?
I get it.

5 years ago, I wouldn’t even dream of Snorkelling, let alone diving – In fact my fear was so great (of the Ocean and open water) – that if I was watching TV and the camera went underwater, I would have to turn it off. I had no previous “bad experience”, nothing I could pin down to, as to why I had this fear. All I could think of is it is a lack of control, maybe a fear of the unknown and not being able to know EXACTLY what was in the water with me. On holidays in Europe when I was younger, I would maybe go up to my knees in the Sea and that was it.
I was working in sales recruitment and had done for 20 years, I was making good money – but not happy, I have always loved travelling and yearned for a life where I could work abroad and live on a tropical island, without having to adhere to the 9-5 rat race. So, I sat and wrote out list upon list, about what I could do for a job that would enable me to have this lifestyle. And it kept coming back to the same thing – A Scuba Diving Instructor….
There was just NO WAY, I could do this!!!
I sat on the idea for a month, back and forth in my mind – I was going to have to try it. (at least)
I eventually decided to go for it, I did my research and found a Dive Centre in Malta and booked my PADI Discover Scuba Diving and PADI Open Water Course – the rest is history. I fell in love with this new world that I had discovered and then went on to Mauritius to do my professional training and here I am a few years later living and working on beautiful Phi Phi Island in Thailand.

The fears we have about diving are not uncommon and not unusual, we know that in normal life we can’t breathe underwater, and it seems almost alien to try.
Are you scared to try Scuba Diving for the first time?
Sharks are always a main concern for people when they come to PKT, every day we talk to customers about sharks to calm their nerves. I was the same, the first time I saw a shark I can still remember the feeling of fear, exhilaration, and wonderment. However, the Blacktip Sharks we have here don’t like the bubbles we make when we breathe, they don’t come close and regardless of anything, we are not in their food group, they don’t want to attack us, it’s just not in their minds. (We have Hollywood to thank for this huge misconception).
Any yes girls, it’s perfectly safe to dive while it’s “that” time of the month 😊

Another common fear, is the feeling of the unknown, being dropped in the Ocean and feeling like anything could be out there. When we go diving, there are different “Dive Objectives” – it maybe to see a Wreck, it maybe to go see a Coral reef, explore swim throughs – there could be a multitude of things.
However, when you jump of the boat here in Phi Phi, you can always see the bottom – it’s super shallow and we allow you time to get orientated and comfortable. Most dives in fact, all over the world you can always see the bottom, there isn’t much to see if you went diving in the middle of the “Blue” – most life is either around a Wreck or on a Coral Reef.
Feeling Claustrophobic – the feeling that you can’t escape is also another common one. Scuba Diving (in my opinion) is one of the most relaxing sports there are, as the manager here at PKT, when I go on my dives, I have an hour of no mobile phone beeping, no one asking me questions and no exterior noise, I am just at peace with my breath, my body is weightless and l am exploring and watching animals in another world that I have access to.
Scuba Diving should be slow, it’s not a race, it’s about taking your time to explore. With a feeling of you can’t escape, I understand this one completely, but the reality is you can. You can ALWAYS go up (anyone can end the dive, at any time and for any reason) You can always end a dive and surface in a slow and controlled manner, and this is respected throughout the Diving Community worldwide.
Diving is not meant to be a show of “bravado” it’s an activity to be enjoyed, not to make you stressed or be a "Hell Raising" experience.
Diving has given me so much, it’s helped my mental and physical health, I have met people all over the world that I consider both close friends and family now, people I can call for advice, people who I can laugh with and cry with, I have the Job of my dreams at PKT Diving. I have made a home on Phi Phi Island, and I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else in the world.
In essence diving has changed my whole life in every way and I am grateful to both myself for making the decision, but mainly to this wonderful Industry, PADI and my coaches and mentors, both current and past for helping me see that the fear was within and can be overcome.
If you have a fear of the Ocean or are Scared about trying for the first time, I get it, we all get it here at PKT Diving, it’s perfectly normal.
You don’t know, unless you give it a go - who knows where in the world it will take you.
Talk to us, chat online with us and once you try – you’ll be glad you did.
Emma Hudson
Dive Centre Manager
PKT Diving
PADI 5 Star Instructor Development Centre
129 Moo.7, Phi Phi Island, Krabi 81000
Mobile - +66 96 949 3934